Monday, September 28, 2009

New Mommy Blogger!

OK....after months of deciding whether or not to do this, I've decided to "Mommy blog"! I've loved reading other moms' suggestions and ideas on various items, as well as revisiting old friends and seeing their families!

I'm mom to a 6th grader and twin 3rd graders, as well as stepmom to a college junior....(and mom to one spoiled cat!). I have a wonderful husband and there is always something going on in our household......always! My husband and I are both UNC-Chapel Hill graduates and our family is completely consumed by the Tarheels.

I'll look forward to getting the hang of this blogging stuff and look forward to many posts in the future!!!


  1. You go girl! Can you blog about my family too???? I don't have time! xo

  2. Oh yeah, my name doesn't pop up... it is me, Kelly :)

  3. Fun! I blogged for a while when Margaret was little and then I lost momentum. I don't think I've updated mine since last winter! Should get back on that if I can find the time. ~Ashley
